Corporate and Partnership Disputes

You enter a business partnership with shared energy, enthusiasm, dreams, and goals. And many major disputes can be avoided with solid business planning and a well-crafted partnership agreement. But along the way, anything from incompatible management styles or competing visions to more extensive and more complicated concerns about fiduciary duty and corporate governance, perhaps even fraud or criminal activity such as theft or falsifying records, may leave you with a seemingly unsolvable conflict.

Disputes may also arise between stakeholders and business owners, for example, when minority shareholders feel left out of decisions or mistreated, disagree with majority shareholders’ actions, or allege fraud or illegal activities.

Large enterprises may undergo a comprehensive internal investigation to avoid lengthy, expensive litigation. Smaller companies, however, may lack the resources to launch a full-scale inquiry, or the very nature of a “mom and pop” organization may make a fair internal investigation virtually impossible, so you turn to the court.

The good news is that, in many cases, it’s possible to find common ground to preserve the company’s value. A shared interest in protecting all you’ve invested may motivate partners to find a solution through mediation. An experienced business litigation attorney at Balaban | Spielberger can help you determine your case’s best course of action.
