Business Litigation
As a business owner, you put everything into your company. Its strength, vitality, and seamless performance are of utmost importance. But a dispute can throw daily operations into disarray and jeopardize your corporation’s short- and long-term success. It’s critical to resolve these issues swiftly and amicably as possible.
Whether you have a conflict with your business partner, a dispute with a financial institution, breach of contract with a vendor, you need an experienced business litigator to be your advocate.
At Balaban | Spielberger, we have a track record of helping business owners navigate conflict and complex legal situations while maintaining the health of the enterprise. Our attorneys are skilled in managing highly sensitive business negotiations and diffusing tension. We also handle intellectual property issues, various types of business torts, and help victims of fraud. What sets our firm apart from the competition is we work on a contingency basis which is rare in business litigation. We can save a client hundreds of thousands of dollars in what would otherwise be spent on attorney fees and litigation costs. We take your financial risk out of the picture and take on that risk for a contingency fee percentage.